
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Very rarely in life are people purely evil or purely good. We walk the line, we try our best and we try to keep the corruption that comes from within at a minimum. Some of us try to compensate by giving charity some by doing other good deeds and so on. No one is clean. The only time we are white is the Day of Atonement and even then it’s only because we are wearing a tablecloth.

That is the regular man, and then there is the business man;

You can’t succeed without screwing someone over; its basic economics. I have yet to meet an honest,holy business man. It does not exist. It gets even worse when you are OPEC-like in your distribution. Where you set the price and really no one can say anything.

When it comes to Rubashkin I have to say I see the above to be true and more.
He tried to get away with things. He tried to wheel and deal, illegal workers and all and he got caught. Is he evil? No!

He tried to scam the Frum community. Half the times the meat was not kosher. The other half he screwed Lubavitcher left and right. It was a scam (half of Judaism is perpetuated by people trying to scam us, $100 dollars for a fruit?)

Did he get caught? Yeah. Is it because he did not pay off someone?
Very probable.
Did he do charity? Yes!
Did he do good things for many people? Yes!

Does he deserve to sit in jail? No. From a moral perspective maybe, but we don’t live in theory we live in practice. We humans accept that there is a certain level of necessary corruption. It's what makes us democratic and not Marxist.

Should there be people acting like they are holier than thou? No. they are the biggest liars and cheaters; the ones who act like Rubashkin is a serial rapist, Common get over it. Did you read the news lately? About The CEO taking tax payer money and going on vacation? Selling his house for 100 dollars to his wife? Maddof? Where are all the cry babies?

Does not mean that Rubashkin is in the right. Does not mean that he does no right. Does not mean he is good nor does it mean that he is evil. He is life. And he should be given a second chance.


Nemo said...

Does he deserve to sit in jail? No. In theory yes, but we don’t live in theory we live in practice.


Rationally pious said...

From the letter of law, i don't know. Innocent until proven guilty. I was talking about the moral wrongs. The same as all those on wall street that scammed people blind.

I hope he has the lawyers that all these other schmucks seem to have.

Nemo you on the case?

Rationally pious said...

Fixed it.

Just like a guy said...

He deserves a second chance? According to you, the only way to succeed in business is to do what he did, no? So why give him a second chance to do the same things he did the first time?

Rationally pious said...
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Rationally pious said...

Cause we give all our corrupt businessman a second chance. And i am hoping he will lean towards honest business more then before. walk the line better.

Just like a guy said...

But isn't illegality inevitable? Though I guess according to you the only trick is to not get caught.