Love Me Tender

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I have to write a post about my views, due to there being a misconception.
So here goes in real short;

I believe in G-D. I pray to him as best as I can.
I believe in being frum.
I believe in the separation of church and state. For that matter I believe in the wisdom of our American forefathers.
I believe in secular wisdom.
I accept the rationale of evolution.
I accept that the world is between 13 and 14 billion years old.
I think the Lubavitcher Rebbe was a great, rational and holy man.
I just don’t think I have to agree to everything he says. And I hope he does not want me to or I have to rethink the above.
The man in my picture is Rabbi Yosef Rozin-”Rogotchover goan”
I love to learn about everything.
I love to read classical works. Tolstoy is so far my favorite author; although it changes book by book.
I love to listen to classical music. I believe you can listen to Non- Jewish music.
I believe Lubavitcher education system is currently corrupt and immoral.
Basically I think I am modern orthodox. Although I think I am a hybrid of some sorts.
I don’t think all Muslims are pure evil.
I believe in torture.
I voted for Obama.
That’s it for now.


Nemo said...

Besides, you can't truly lay out your beliefs without stating an opinion about Rubashkin.

Rationally pious said...

Ha ha. I think i was kicked out and don't even know it. See why i want to be Anonymous?

Nemo i can count on you right? I think i am being terrorized. LOL

Good point, I am going to edit it.

Just like a guy said...

I think this will go down in history along with the Rambam's 13 principles of faith.

Rationally pious said...

Ha, You got to believe.

Just like a guy said...

In what?

Rationally pious said...

In oneself. I think you lack confidence. which is normal but that is what a blog is for, that is what i am trying to tell you; Be human.

Just like a guy said...

I don't get what you're trying to say.

Just like a guy said...

So what you're trying to tell me is that like Paul on the road to Damascus I will one day have an epiphany and realize that everything I believed in until then was lies?

You sound just as pretentious as those who say the "there's only two kinds of Jews" line.

Rationally pious said...

No, what i am saying is you need to gain confidence that you can think on your own. You need to mature and become independent. Choose G-D because you want to choose him, start from the beginning and work down. Not working up,from accepting the whole Lubavitch and going up to G-D, where it will be hard for you to gain perspective.

Think on your own. Be your own man. Fight for what you know is right. Fight to fix the wrongs.
Tell me what i got wrong and we can debate what ails us.

Just like a guy said...

Sorry to get all personal, but why do you assume I'm some sort of OT clone without a brain? Do you know me? Do you know where I'm coming from and where I'm going? Did it ever occur to you that I might sincerely believe whatever it is I do believe? That I might have given these beliefs a little thought? Seriously, why are you so convinced that one day I'll wake up and realize the truth? Maybe I did that already?

Please don't grovel now, just debate me like a man instead of a child. Ok, take that back. I'm not really interested in debating anyone, because polemics (read tradition seforim blog's excellent latest post) are very rarely worth the time they inevitably consume.

Also, I misunderstood the original intent of this blog, and for that I apologize.

Rationally pious said...

I am sorry if I offended you. But you seem so adverse to change that like I said you are not willing to contemplate the perspective that Lubavitch currently just does not make sense that you are in a deeply flawed system of laziness. Lubavitch does not promote independent or creative thinking.

You assumed I am ignorant of Torah and that I am not religious. We are going to get offended now? It is I who should be offended.

But we are both not offended because we realize that I want the best for you and you for me, I am not your enemy but a friend. More connects us then divides us (sorry I could not help myself)

We will debate. Bring up a specific reason for disagreement and not generalized contempt and I will discuss it with you with an open mind.

Debate has given us a free democracy. Debate and refutation has given us science and medicine. I thank G-D every day for differing opinions. We would never advance and never become better if everyone agreed. The fact that you would say that it is rarely worth the time; deeply disturbs me.

My blog is about everything. It is about me. It is about my journey through life. It is about what I experience and my thoughts; which are plenty. If you don’t appreciate that, for that I apologize.

If my condescending attitude bothers you, I again apologize. But I am tired of those same regurgitated views. I learned it all. I heard it all. I want the core of man to reveal itself to me. I am searching for the smart ones among us to unite and discuss life.

Just like a guy said...

Funny, when I first met Nemo I also got a very wrong impression.

Debate rarely changes minds. I have a friend who hates arguing with me for exactly the reasons you describe. He can't take my "live and let live" attitude. I just really can't be bothered to argue things that have been argued before and will be argued after. I've found my personal truth/comfort, let me live with that.

Core of man? Whatever. I don't belive it's possible to get there anyway, except for yechide segulah, ma'aze siba shetihiya.
Truth. Whatever. It's all subjective. You want to sit around at 2:00 AM debating whatever it is, more power to you, but unless there's some entertainment value I'm really not interested. Sorry.

Rationally pious said...

That is fine. You have a right to decide what you want. Live and let live? Okay by me. But we are humans. And the arguments can be linked to; and you can even add commentary next to the links. That is the beauty of Web 2.0

Just like a guy said...

Ok, now you may have gotten to me. I am after all a sucker for attention. How can I do that?

Rationally pious said...

Advance and never retreat. Think and never let your mind stop. Progress and never ever say you can't.

The greatness in man lies with the fact that he never stops maturing. He never stops thinking. He reminds himself everyday "today i will figure it out, today it will make sense, today will be the day when i realize who i am and why i am here"

Rationally pious said...

Because when you have to work for it you give up.

Rationally pious said...

When i press you for realness instead of cheap lines, you fail to search within.

Rationally pious said...

Stop being lazy. If it takes you a week, takes you a month, you will be willing to sacrifice that time so when you do have your ideas in order life will mean something. You are not a robot. Saying i don't want to think about it is repulsive to me. How can you not have thought about it? How do you live?

Rationally pious said...

Going to bed, will respond in the morning.

Just like a guy said...

Yeah. I went to bed, as you might have guessed.
So what am I, intellectually lazy and dishonest? Possibly.