Birth Control

Monday, February 16, 2009
When discussing birth control methods with the girls in their school, the teachers tell them that if they go on the pill that it will affect fertility; they will have a harder time conceiving later on. Naturally the girls believe the teachers because we have a natural bias of appealing to authority.

When hearing this from girls I know, I laughed, telling them it is an old wives tale and they are just using their normal scare tactics. They turned to me wonderingly, as if who I am to know the mechanism of a woman better than their teachers?

To which i replied: Google it!

Sure enough, all doctors agree that the information so far conclusively proves there is no effect, that by their knowledge of biology it ought not to affect fertility.Msnbc/Past Pill Use Doesn't Lower Fertility

The lesson I learned was that these old teachers do not yet realize that the facts they state can easily be checked up and verified, they have no clue that we live in an information age, which can take seconds to find out if it is true, that by stating old fictional tales they are ruining their credibility.

It is sad that we have such teachers educating our kids. I hope my wife is smarter than this; that we can have an open conversation about the wrongs and rights rather than me debunking all the tales she heard in seminary. I dream.

Why do they feel the need to scare the girls, do they think it will work? Has it ever worked?

I guess that is an historical question, going back to witches and spells.

Update: I was wrong in stating that they teach girls about BC and its effects. I take solace in knowing that they would.


Nemo said...

They taakeh tell this to the children in Lubavitch?

Nemo said...

Oh, and interesting that you're suddenly interested in marriage ...

Rationally pious said...

So i hear.....

I am not diffusional in thinking the world follows how i feel.

Anonymous said...

first they dont teach about delicate subjects in school, we barely learn yichud as it is, can u imagine them teaching about pills and condoms?- they would literally throw the teacher out. secondly, students really dont care what most teachers say- considering their ignorance as a whole. very few teachers have the insight, intelligence and integrity to affect students

besides the point, some subjects arent meant to be discussed

Cheerio said...

yeah, they sure as hell didn't talk to us about birth control in my high school/seminary.
look, i'm from a place where western medicine is held in great suspicion in general. anytime you introduce something into your body, there are effects.
the pill isn't the only form of birth control.

also - the teachers tell this to the girls to scare them so they won't use birth control? pathetic.
don't use the pill cuz it's what G-d wants (if it is what G-d wants, and everyone has to figure out what they think about that on their own).

AND - spacing your kids isn't bad. just do it in the right way.

Anon - it's the internet. we get to talk about ANYTHING we want here. and it's good. because some of those things that "aren't meant to be discussed" need to be. most of them do, in some form or fashion.

Rationally pious said...


I really don't believe that certain subjects should not be discussed.

Again we live in an information age, people have immense knowledge by the time they are 16.Google can answer any curious question; do you want it from Google or from respected teachers?

I will update my post,I misunderstood what was taught and what was not, it seems you are right.


Just because something sounds right, does not make it true. And you are from a place where they want to lynch Jews. So take it with a grain of salt.

“pill isn't the only form of birth control”

True, but I think it is the most commonly taken contraception.
Yup the internet is here to stay, rules of engagement have changed.

Nemo said...

That's why our holy rabbis Shlitat have tried to ban the internet!

Rationally pious said...

To which i deem them unholy for being idiots.