About me

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Due to popular demand (yeah right like I am Mr. popular) I was asked to write 25 things about myself (who do I tag? I barley know anybody) okay TRS is up next then;

1. I enjoy snowboarding. It is an expensive sports, but once you get the gear, and hit the slopes, wind in your face, the thrill, it is an amazing experience
2. I enjoy watching football/baseball. Jets, Yankees are the teams I root for. Watching the immense capabilities of pro athletes is quite a wonder.
3. I love playing sports. I truly enjoy a well fought game; competition brings out the best or worst of me, depending on who you ask.
4. I hate eating. It is such a waste of time. Same foods over and over again. And it cost an arm and a leg.
5. I sleep too much. I do not sleep well; I don’t know what it is. My mind finds it hard to power down.
6. I enjoy having a deep conversation about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.
7. I enjoy watching a good film or TV series. Bleak house was the latest I watched, amazing depiction of 19 century England.
8. I enjoy reading classic literature. I find it fascinating while reading their insight into what makes us tick. Hamlet was the latest; the inconsistency of hamlet and the tragic ending makes no sense. But that is the beauty.
9. I hate wasting money due to a lack of basic planning.
10. I think way too much, and talk even more. One should think but not over-think, talk but not over-talk; life is about balance.
11. I think marriage is stupid, but we all do it for no apparent- valid reason. Blogging about that next.
12. I detest the ultra-extreme-orthodox (any other adjectives you use?)education, allowing your child to be ignorant of how the basic functions of the world works in the name of religion, is a crime against humanity.
13. I am told I am too intense, that I live life full throttle.
14. I always feel/realize that I am alone. Do all people feel this way?
15. I am a bit lazy. I am not a doer I am a thinker. I hesitate and feel self conscious.
16. I like really tall girls.
17. I treasure when people are genuine and truthful even when it hurts and burns.
18. I love losing myself in thought, forgetting my idiotic existence and just appreciate the logic and reasons behind laws.
19. I hate social classes, maybe I just hate money; I think I am a socialist.
20. I would like to study my whole life, just sit and learn new things. Sit and figure it all out.
21. I am not writer; quite frankly I am terrible at it. I guess that I why people start a blog.
22. I find it odd that few religious people play piano or write poetry, why do we squash the creative thinking of our youth?
23. I enjoy listening to classical music, the effect on thought and emotion is unparalleled in today’s music world.
24. “24” is pretty cool.
25. Tex Baby!

As you can see I ran out of things in the end.
Wow these mishathingies Nemo are made for perpetually bored people. But so are blogs so who are we to judge?