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Wednesday, March 11, 2009
"Making sense of others in a social interaction is not easy—each new person we meet may be a source of ambiguous and complex information. However, when encountering someone for the first time, we are often quick to judge whether we like that person or not. In fact, previous research has shown that people make relatively accurate and persistent evaluations based on rapid observations of even less than half a minute"Source


Dovid said...

RP- This reminds me of e's post about beard trimming and how people assess others.

Rationally pious said...

I am missing your point, care to elaborate?

Dovid said...

Sorry forgot to subscribe.

E was speaking about how people are afraid to comment on his beard trimming because they don't want him to think they are judging him.
Your post reminded me of this- since we are always judging based on appearance this makes us self conscious about it. We go out of our way to pretend we are not judging based on appearance.

Dovid said...


Rationally pious said...


It is quite amazing how we judge people.