
Monday, March 2, 2009

Faced with some writers block although I am not a writer…

Spoke to a friend about the blog, he tells me I should talk more about my emotions and perspectives.

The thing is I am scared, I feel people know who I am now, and therefore the price might be a bit steep.

In every relationship - including with ones wife- one is faced with two opposite forces. One is intimacy and the other is privacy. In some way I feel like this is not worth it. I am not blogging for very long, but I am already paying a price.

I gain very little from this blog; it seems I am unable to find stimulating conversations and interactions, I am left pondering where people can be found.

Maybe it is me, maybe it is the world. I am finding it hard to live, there are no easy solutions and I don’t know if I am looking for one, but I am dreading the path ahead knowing that no one is out there. I feel like Simba in the lion king screaming for someone to help but no one ever answers. The best solution might just be to run and run, until it catches you.

Somebody once wished me inner peace; the question I asked is: where can it be found?


Cheerio said...

if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there, does it still make a sound?
even if no one reads it, writing it all down - whatever IT may be - serves a purpose.

Rationally pious said...


Long time.

True, but at what cost?

Anonymous said...

Nobody can help you but yourself.

Stop screaming for help & start listening to yourself.

Rationally pious said...


Welcome back.

I have no advice for myself, if I did i would be doing something.

Anonymous said...


Rationally pious said...

So basically it was so clear that you made a inane comment just because....?

Am I getting this straight?

Anonymous said...

As usual, no.

Try reading it again.

Also - since we're talking about advice - try polishing up on basic grammar before you use words like 'inane'.


Rationally pious said...

“Try reading it again.”

Because what you said was so complex it takes about three readings to get your message?

You are killing me here.

This is a blog, not a university, where every comment has to be checked for syntax and grammar.

Thanks for the advice.

Anonymous said...