
Monday, August 16, 2010


People Who Are Trusting Are Better At Detecting Liars:


“Although people seem to believe that low trusters are better lie detectors and less gullible than high trusters, these results suggest that the reverse is true," write co-authors Nancy Carter and Mark Weber of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. "High trusters were better lie detectors than were low trusters; they also formed more appropriate impressions and hiring intentions.

"People who trust others are not pie-in-the-sky Pollyannas, their interpersonal accuracy may make them particularly good at hiring, recruitment, and identifying good friends and worthy business partners."

Does the ability to accurately asses if someone is lying, cause people to have more faith in people?

What I mean is: If you cannot detect liars, is seems that you are more likely to assume a general stance of mistrust as a safety net due to your lack of detections skills. On the other hand, if you have the ability to detect liars you will lean on your ability, and will, by the your very nature, detect many more trusting people which causes a more trusting attitude.

Lie detection can be the cause of more trust. It is interesting how our skills affect our perceptions of the universe.